A Long-Awaited Treasure

They have been searching personally for almost a decade now. However, the general search stretches back at least several hundred years … and perhaps significantly longer than that.
The site of the search is an increasingly famous place named Oak Island off the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. The treasure being sought? Unknown. The depositors of the treasure? Also unknown. Is there really something significant buried on that island? The evidence continues to mount, and the verdict seems to indicate an almost certain yes.
Rick and Marty Lagina, who have purchased the majority of the island, along with their team of partners are investing significant dollars to deploy scientific and historical experts and the most modern technology toward unraveling the mysteries of the island. And, of course, toward hopefully uncovering the treasure that is deposited there!
Their quest is documented on the widely popular History Channel show called “The Curse of Oak Island.” Since I’m a bit of a treasure hunter myself (metal detecting and gold panning), as well as a person who enjoys history and mysteries, it’s my only “must-watch” show. (Tuesday evenings at 9!) Every show peels back a little layer of the mystery, yet often adds additional questions to the conundrum.
All sorts of bric-a-brac has turned up. Ancient pieces of ships. Mining tools. Stone cannon balls. Decorative accoutrements for officers’ uniforms. Even human bones buried deep below the surface!
Multiple fascinating ancient structures have also been discovered – a warren of underground tunnels, a slipway and a stone wharf estimated by experts to be 300 or more years old. There are extensive stone roads that would have taken a monumental effort from many men to construct. Who put them there, and why? The ancient ox shoes found among the stones demonstrate that clearly they were used to transport a large amount of undoubtedly heavy material. Possibly treasure?
The team has actually uncovered some valuables. Multiple coins have surfaced. Some of the more interesting were a 1,200-year-old Chinese coin, a Spanish “piece of 8” from the early 1600s, and a number of British coins from the 1700s. They also found several ancient brooches, (one of which is estimated to be 500 years old). And perhaps the most intriguing find of all: a cross made of lead that was traced to a long-abandoned quarry in France used pre-1500 A.D.
Testing of the water in some of their exploratory bore holes indicates a significant amount of silver and gold lies buried below ground. Again, what exactly is that treasure? Who put it there? When was it deposited and why? Those are the questions; the answers remain hidden. But people have been searching for them (the answers and the treasure) for a very long time!
It seems clear that rumors of something significant being hidden on the island were known by at least some in Europe. The island has been the focus of multiple visits from multiple nations over the centuries. (Evidenced by the archeological findings on the island.)
The “modern” search began in 1796 when three boys found a circular depression on the island and began digging. In the 200-plus years since, multiple efforts have been made to finally reveal the treasure. Many of those efforts were substantial! And while searchers found fascinating hints of something greater, tiny beacons of hope urging them onward, inevitably the treasure has remained safely secured in its resting place or places.
The Lagina brothers seem closer to discovering the answers and the treasure than any before them. Yet it’s clear the answers won’t come easily. So those searching for the long-awaited treasure will have to continue to wait … as will the millions of viewers who wait expectantly along with them.
As valuable (both historically and monetarily) as the Oak Island treasure may be, there was another Treasure much more precious and long-awaited. This Treasure was hinted at by a gracious God way back at the very beginning after the first man and woman had fouled the world with sin. The Lord promised to send sinners the Savior they desperately needed. There wasn’t, and isn’t, and will never be, a greater Treasure than that Savior.
Through the Old Testament years more tantalizing glimpses were given; more clues were provided by the Lord. Yet, those who believed in that Treasure had to wait. And wait. And wait!
Not just a few decades. Not just a century. Not just a few hundred years. Not just a millennium. Not even “just” a few millennia. But thousands of years!
Beacons of hope appeared in God’s promises through the years, but the wait continued. The Treasure never came … until He finally did! “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship” (Galatians 4:4-5).
How precious is Jesus our Savior? Another Bible verse puts things in perspective: “For … it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
All the treasure on Oak Island, all the “precious things” in this whole wide world, wouldn’t be valuable enough in God’s eyes to pay for even one of our sins. But the blood of Jesus his Son is. In fact, it transcends precious and qualifies as priceless.
The Laginas may or may not discover their long-awaited treasure on Oak Island. But our long-awaited Treasure, Jesus, appeared at the first Christmas. He’s the most valuable Treasure in all of history, our one and only Savior, so he was worth the wait!
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