A Joyful Jesus?

Some of my favorite portrayals of Jesus are of him smiling or laughing. When viewing Jesus like that, he seems to become more human … more loving … more approachable.
Yet, there are no mentions of Jesus smiling or laughing in the Gospels. Can we still assume that he did?
In my mind, there is no question about it. Undoubtedly Jesus shared light-hearted moments with his mother, stepfather and siblings growing up. Similarly, with those with whom he was close, like his disciples, and Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Furthermore, I can’t imagine the Lord looking at eager, bouncing, smiling children whom he loved dearly (Luke 18:16) and not smiling back at them.
But there is no reference of Jesus smiling or laughing in the four Gospels. I am convinced that this was not because it didn’t happen, but rather because the Holy Spirit moved the gospel writers to focus primarily on his key statements and astounding actions instead. Jesus’ kind heart was clearly portrayed, so the happy facial expressions that would naturally follow were a given.
Can I “prove” it? I think I can.
The proof begins with John 1:1&14, where Jesus is clearly referred to as “God” and as “the Word” who “became flesh.” That is, Jesus was the embodiment of the words that the Holy Spirit had given to the Old Testament prophets (and ultimately ALL of God’s words!). Jesus was the living fulfilment of them!
Therefore, when you read a passage like Zephaniah 3:17 – “The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he … will rejoice over you with singing” – we can safely assume that the delight and rejoicing Jesus experienced over those who believed in him often brought him to smile upon his followers. He smiled because Jesus was the Word (the embodiment of God’s truth!), and therefore One who delighted in and rejoiced over those who were being saved.
Or in the words of the psalmist: “The LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns [them] with victory” (Psalm 149:4). This incredible “victory” he was winning would naturally lead to Jesus, (the Word!) grinning over and at his people.
And how could the loving Savior not smile as he spoke forgiveness to those clinging to him in faith? When he said to the paralyzed man, “Your sins are forgiven” (Mark 2:5), would it not be natural for Jesus to be smiling warmly? The prophet Micah writes that the Lord “delights to show mercy,” so he “pardons sin” and “forgives transgression.” (Micah 7:18). As the Son of God embodied God’s Word during his ministry on earth, surely his delight in forgiving showed itself in smiles as he forgave.
Even on a simpler level, I have no doubt our Savior smiled at the beauty of creation that he, the Father and the Holy Spirit formed. A gorgeous sunset, a graceful deer, or a newborn baby likely … at least on occasion, and perhaps often … brought joy to his lips. “The Word made flesh” would certainly “rejoice in his works” (Psalm 104:31), as God’s word declares.
Yet I submit that the thing that brought the greatest joy to Jesus’ heart was likely the last thing that would come to our minds. Consider this remarkable passage from Scripture: “For the joy set before him [Jesus] endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).
Even in his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane while Jesus as true man begged his Heavenly Father to remove the burden of suffering from him, Jesus as true God rejoiced at what was about to be accomplished. Even amidst the torment of his body being beaten, torn and pierced, Jesus had joy. In the excruciating suffering of crucifixion, he had joy.
The work of saving sinners was being completed, and this filled Jesus with delight.
I doubt he smiled during those dark hours of suffering, but his heart overflowed with rejoicing nonetheless. And a few days later, surely Jesus smiled as he exited the tomb on Easter morning … the price paid, the victory won, salvation for sinners secured.
Finally, and perhaps best of all, we can be certain that it will be a smiling Jesus who welcomes us into heaven when God calls us home. (Isaiah 65:19). And we will be smiling too!
What a joy to know we have a joyful Jesus!
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One thought on “A Joyful Jesus?”
Hi Pastor Dave and thanks again for sharing in this blog! I agree with your assessment of what brings Jesus’ joy and how he expresses it:doing the Father’s will. I don’t know if you have seen any of the series The Chosen, but I really like how this depiction of Jesus shows us a possible range of human emotions Jesus could have expressed, including joy and delight. “May the God of Hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13. 🙂
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