A Better Option

“Why Jesus Is Better than Santa” has been bouncing around the internet for some time now. I couldn’t find an original author, but whoever it was caught the attention of many people. (Including me!) There are often slight variations in the wording, but generally the phrases remain the same in all the listings. I borrowed some of those original ideas, I modified others, and some I omitted. Most of the thoughts below I “penned” myself, though the Biblical concepts are not original to me, of course. So even if you’ve seen the original version somewhere, you haven’t seen this version. I hope you enjoy reading and reflecting on these contrasts between Santa and Jesus.
Here are 25 reasons that Jesus is a far better option to focus upon at Christmas than Santa:
1. Santa lives at the frigid and frozen North Pole. While Jesus carried out his ministry and purpose on earth, he actually had no home to call his own. Now Jesus’ home is (again!) in glorious, warm and wonderful heaven, and he is preparing a special place for us there. But Jesus is also everywhere. Most astonishing, he even lives in our hearts!
2. Santa’s helpers are elves; Jesus’ helpers are angels. Santa’s helpers make toys; Jesus’ angels guard God’s people while they play, work, and go about their lives.
3. Santa says, “You better not pout. You better not cry.” Jesus’ message is very different. He says, “Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.” Furthermore, Jesus will personally wipe all the tears from our eyes one day when he welcomes us to heaven.
4. Santa is said to give gifts to good boys and girls. Jesus, on the other hand, was the Gift intended for all people, young and old, all of whom are very bad (sinners). Santa says “You better be good.” Jesus says, “I was perfect for you, so you are good!”
5. While Santa checks who’s being naughty and nice, Jesus watches over his followers to bless, provide for and protect them. Santa keeps a list of names and updates it often. Jesus has his own list called the Lamb’s Book of Life, and he’s written our names in it!
6. When Santa sets off on his Christmas journey to deliver his gifts to the children, he travels the lengthy journey from the North Pole. Jesus’ journey was even more extraordinary; he left heaven to deliver the Gift of himself to the whole world when he was born on the first Christmas.
7. Santa comes just once a year; Jesus is an ever-present help.
8. Santa drives a sleigh; Jesus drives the cosmos. He swings from the stars, skips through the Northern Lights, leaps from mountain peak to mountain peak, rides on the winds, swims in the depths, and walks on the water. Jesus heals the hurting, comforts the comfortless, fixes the unfixable, and restores the discouraged and discarded.
9. Children have to wait in line to see Santa and share their requests, and must hurry to keep the line moving. Children, teens, and adults – any believer! – can talk to Jesus anytime they want, and they can talk to him as long as they want. Jesus always has the time to listen; he always hears and answers.
10. Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly; Jesus has a heart full of love.
11. Santa greets folks with a merry “Ho, Ho, Ho” and a twinkle in his eye. Nice enough but rather shallow. Jesus exudes happiness, and passes a significant, deep-seated, and enduring joy along to all who know him in faith.
12. Santa asks, “What’s your name?” and “What do you want for Christmas?” Jesus already knows our names and our deepest hearts’ desires. And everything else about us as well! Which means Jesus’ gifts are always wonderfully appropriate.
13. Santa secretly slides down chimneys. Jesus’ first arrival was announced by angels and a miraculous star. His second coming will be even more spectacular.
14. Santa enjoys the cookies children leave for him. Jesus however has his children join him one day at the heavenly feast.
15. Santa fills stockings with goodies; Jesus fills our hearts and lives, and supplies all our needs.
16. Santa puts gifts under Christmas trees. Jesus himself became our ultimate Gift and died on the tree of the cross. Santa’s gifts are worldly, temporary gifts; Jesus’ Gift of himself fosters others spiritual gifts that will last for eternity.
17. Santa carries a bag of toys over his shoulder; Jesus carried a wooden cross.
18. Santa wears a red cap on his head and a red coat across his chest. Jesus wore a crown of thorns and was covered in red as well … the red of his own holy, precious blood, shed for you and me.
19. While Santa’s hands are calloused from the reins, Jesus’ hands carry nail holes.
20. When Santa dies (which assumes he is actually alive), he will remain dead. Jesus as true Man died, but as true God rose back to life three days later.
21. When Santa dies, his gifting is over; when Jesus died, his most significant gifting had just begun.
22. Santa is involved in Christmas. Jesus is crucial to Christmas, Good Friday and Easter. And every other day of our lives too!
23. If he existed, Santa would have had to be created; he would have a beginning. Jesus, on the other hand, always was. He is eternal – existing before time and actively involved in the creation of all things.
24. Santa apparently does a little magic; Jesus does monumental miracles.
25. Santa has many stand-ins; Jesus is the One and Only.
“To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing” (Isaiah 40:25-26). “This is what the LORD says — Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Who then is like me?” (Isaiah 44:6-7).
So which contrasts did you appreciate the most? Can you think of any to add? Please share your thoughts below!
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