Moving Up!
It’s a conundrum. Why is it that most people are eager to sit in the front rows for a sporting event, a concert, or a movie … but routinely choose to sit toward the back in church services?
Now obviously, for multiple reasons the back pews are best for families with very young children. Other clear candidates might be those needing more ready access to a restroom, or those having to duck out of church a bit early due to work obligations.
But is being able to reach the refreshments or potluck first legitimate? (Perhaps if you are hosting. But otherwise?) Is the opportunity to get out of the church a few moments earlier than others sufficient reason?
It’s been postured that perhaps some sit in back or church out of humility – not wanting to emulate the Pharisee who called attention to himself in the temple, but rather the penitent tax collector who stayed in the shadows. (Lk. 18:9-14). Not sure I buy it. I suspect it’s much more a matter of habit than of humbleness.
Recognizing the reality of the situation, I thought it might be beneficial to provide reasons why moving up toward the front of church should be considered. There are actually multiple reasons. Some are legitimate; others less so. I will provide ten of both.
Less Legitimate Reasons to Move Up in Worship
- When the pastor gives the children candy to share with the congregation in the children’s messages, those in front have a better chance to get some!
- If there is any question about who is in attendance, those sitting in front can pull up the video stream of the service and there they are!
- When sitting closer to the preacher, one can more easily tell if he is lip-syncing his sermon or not.
- The smell of the food at the potluck won’t reach you quite as easily. Much less public drooling.
- It will be more obvious to everyone in attendance that you do NOT nod off during the sermon.
- If the balcony collapses, you will be clear.
- When a skunk darts into the Sanctuary, it will be the people in the back who are sprayed.
- Little Frankie won’t be able to flick the back of your ears anymore.
- The ushers are far less likely to accidentally drop bulletins on your head.
- And the most significant less-legitimate reason of all: The closer to the front of church one sits, the higher level of heaven they will reach. (Really! It’s in the Bible somewhere.)
More Legitimate Reasons to Move Up in Worship
- The grandparents, parents and relatives who always used to sit in those same back seats in the “old days” don’t care if you still sit there or not. They now have much better “seats” in heaven!
- The further forward you sit, the more people there are who are singing directly toward you.
- It is much more difficult to get distracted by … well, anything.
- And a related point: it is much easier to stay engaged in worship in a general, all-encompassing manner.
- More specifically, your senses are more involved further forward. You will hear the pastor and musical accompaniment better. You will see easier, whether that be the Lord’s Supper on the altar, the hymn boards, the children’s sermon illustrations, or any slides that are shared.
- You will be able to interact with more people as you leave. If a general dismissal, there will be more opportunity to chat with many; if a formal row-by-row dismissal, then smiles and warm nods to the people still seated as you pass.
- Moving closer to the front as soon as your children are able trains them to think “front” instead of “back.”
- Moving up leaves more open seats in the back for visitors who tend to arrive last minute, and for those members who happen to arrive late on a Sunday.
- Sitting in new seats further forward can enrich the worship experience. New place, new “feel.”
- If you move up, more people might actually follow! Imagine a church that fills up from the front to the back!
I would love to hear your thoughts on legitimate (and less legitimate) reasons for sitting in the front of worship services. Please share them in the comments section. I hope for a lot of feedback on this and look forward to reading the input that comes in!
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