50 Lessons Learned

Since this is my 50th post on this blog, I thought I would do something a bit different this week. I decided to list 50 life lessons I have accumulated through the years. These are by no means the only lessons I have learned, nor are any of them probably particularly astute. But maybe readers might glean an insight here or there? I pray a few of the observations will encourage someone somewhere.
Here is my disclaimer: Just because I’ve learned these lessons doesn’t mean I always live them. I’m a work in progress, as we all are.
So here we go! 50 lessons I’ve learned, in no particular order:
1. Many will love you, but none more than the Lord
2. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. We aren’t even guaranteed the next minute. Every second is a new gift from God.
3. People are so predictable … and so unpredictable.
4. The Lord and his Word are the only truly reliable things in this whole wide world. If we rely upon ourselves or others, we will often be disappointed; if on God, never.
5. Strive to see, think about and focus on the positives.
6. Encouragement is far more effective at behavior adjustment than criticism.
7. Never say, “I’ll never …”
8. Every day is precious; it’s used once and you don’t get it back again. One can’t ever regain lost time, but they can use future moments more wisely.
9. The most urgent things are rarely the most important ones.
10. Care of your soul, your body and your relationships are wise investments.
11. True wealth is gauged in the spiritual realm; not the physical one.
12. One’s contentment often correlates with the amount of time spent outdoors.
13. Relationships are more precious than treasure.
14. People would benefit greatly if they spent more time in their Bible and less time on their screens.
15. Work will always be there; children and family won’t be. Maximize precious moments together.
16. Worrying is a colossal waste of time and energy.
17. We are what we watch and what we listen to.
18. God often brings the greatest blessings through hardship.
19. Making the effort to stay in touch with family and friends will never be regretted. Not making the effort will be.
20. Let God be God; he’s far more qualified than we are.
21. Hugs are wonderful blessings!
22. Paying others to do tedious, time-consuming tasks is money well spent.
23. Look for God’s guiding hand in your life, see it everywhere, and rejoice in his wonderful care
24. Never let others, even loved ones, push you into poor decisions.
25. Smile more; frown less – outwardly and inwardly.
26. The Lord isn’t only vaguely interested and slightly involved in our lives, but completely invested.
27. The need for God’s truth has never been greater … for you, me and everyone.
28. Stop trying to be perfect and be satisfied with good enough.
29. Be content, no matter the circumstances. You are blessed and being blessed.
30. Spend less time being angry and more time rejoicing, forgiving and being kind. Life is too short to stay angry and hold grudges.
31. Stubbornness is not a character strength.
32. The hope that God gives in the Scriptures cannot be found anywhere else in the whole, wide world.
33. Pride is a secret destroyer.
34. Insisting one is always right is always wrong.
35. Stop crucifying yourself for your mistakes; Jesus was crucified for you!
36. One’s personal actions and attitudes should not be based on the actions and attitudes of others.
37. There is never reason to be bored.
38. The heartache of missing someone means you are blessed with a heart of love for someone.
39. The hardest paths in life are typically the right paths.
40. True beauty is not skin-deep, but actually under the skin.
41. The smartest people realize they’re not the smartest people. And a related truth: the wisest people aren’t always the most educated people.
42. Satan, the great deceiver, is really, really good at what he does.
43. Trying new activities and adventures enriches and enlivens life.
44. The wise discover the healthy medium between head and heart decisions.
45. Don’t let the pressure of the moment destroy the beauty of the moment.
46. The body of a twenty-year-old is typically strong; the mind less so. Thirty years later, those are reversed. (Don’t be offended, youngsters; when you are my age you will understand.)
47. One should always pet their pet more.
48. Once words leave your mouth (or your keyboard), they can’t be retrieved.
49. Life in this world is often difficult. God allows us to struggle so we remember that heaven is our real home. The longer we live the more appealing heaven becomes!
50. While living on earth the status of our soul can seem like one of the least important things; the day we die it becomes the most important thing.
These are a few truths I’ve learned. But maybe you might suggest some revisions to a few of the 50 points? If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’d also love to read a few life-lessons you have learned. Please share in the comments section!
“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).
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4 thoughts on “50 Lessons Learned”
Dave – I can’t believe you forgot about this one – although it does kind of tie in with #28. What about that one you shared with me when I was your summer vicar: “Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape.”
That IS a great one, Todd! But with your comment, it is now included as well!
Hi Dave and thanks for these wonderful insights!
I’m not sure I could add much more (and I’m sure others have probably mentioned this) but some of the most powerful words in any relationship are “I love you,” “I’m sorry” and “Thank you”…and this goes for our relationship with the Lord, too!
I couldn’t agree more, Rick! Thanks for sharing!
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