About Me


I never intended to write a blog.  Never, ever, ever!


God moves in mysterious ways!


Follow God’s mysterious path to writing the best blog I can, and encourage wherever possible along the way.

Who Am I?

And what do I love, like, tolerate, dislike and "hate?"

Love – God, God’s Word, God’s grace, and worshiping God

Like – People (We are all God’s people in one way or another)

Tolerate – Increasing persecution against Christians … some subtle and some not

Dislike – How far society has drifted from Bible knowledge and morals

“Hate” – When I don’t act like God’s child

Love – My family

Like – Communication with my family

Tolerate – That my sons are all (or soon will be) taller than me

Dislike – My sons reminding me that they are taller than me

“Hate” – Being so far away from so many family members

Love – Sharing God’s wonderful love and truths with so many so often

Like – Interacting with the people of our congregation and community

Tolerate – Church meetings

Dislike – Counseling  (Sometimes it’s so hard to know how to handle things)

“Hate” – Having to confront people I love about things God hates

Love – God’s gorgeous creation

Like – Campfires on a camping trip

Tolerate – Mosquitoes

Dislike – Water leaking into the tent during an overnight rainstorm

“Hate” – Blaring radios in the middle of the forest (And litter too!)

Love – Seeing the “fruits” of my labors in the garden, trees and flower beds

Like – Planning and planting

Tolerate – Necessary pruning and thinning

Dislike – Slugs!  They can do so much damage to perfectly good plants

“Hate” – Weeds  (esp. those little ones you can hardly see, but which get bigger)

Love – Watching my children compete

Like – Enjoying a Sunday-afternoon game after church (in my recliner!)

Tolerate – That my playing days are probably over (except for Fantasy Football)

Dislike – Rude and obnoxious fans sitting right behind me in a stadium

“Hate” – The Mariners haven’t been in the playoff in a very long time!

Love – Cooking something I really enjoy … and then enjoying it!

Like – Trying something new

Tolerate – Onions  (They taste great!  I like them but they don’t like me)

Dislike – Paying a lot for a little

“Hate” – That enjoying good food can so radically affect one’s physique 

Love – Listening to songs while I work at my desk or read

Like – Live performances by gifted musicians, singers or bands

Tolerate – Certain genres of music  (You wanted me to list them, didn’t you?)

Dislike – Songs with inappropriate words or messages

“Hate” – The rudeness of those who “share” their music with all within a 1/4 mile

Love – Unwinding with a good book on a retreat

Like – Stories that pull you in and won’t let you go.  And clever prose

Tolerate – “To be continued”

Dislike – Sad stories

“Hate” – Wanting to continue to read but having to be responsible

Love – Viewing a spectacular vista for the first time

Like – Visiting new places and experiencing their culture and climate

Tolerate – Road trips  (As long as they’re not too long!)

Dislike – Returning to “real life” again after being about

“Hate” – Having to wait so long until I travel again

A Brief Biography

I was born in Michigan in 1964, and grew up in the lovely rural town of Sebewaing.  My youth was spent ramming about outside whenever and however I could.  As I grew older, I worked and “played” in God’s great creation whenever I was able.

Eventually and unexpectedly the Lord guided me on to the Seminary.  (Quite a story there.)  After graduating in 1990, I have served as a pastor for 35 years — mostly in Washington State, but now in Michigan.

I shepherded St. Paul Lutheran Church in Tacoma, WA. for over 30 years.  Now it is my privilege to be the pastor of a dual parish in central Michigan — at St. John in Clare and Faith in Harrison. 

I am married to a wonderful Christian woman and blessed with 6 children and 4 grandchildren (with another on the way!)  

I remain active in outdoor pursuits, and am in awe that we now live on a lake (a long-time dream of my wife and mine).  I am able to take relaxing walks with her in our neighborhood, fish in my backyard and hunt deer in my father’s woods.

God is so faithful, loving and good!

If you wish to reach me

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